суббота, 28 августа 2010 г.

World Bank

For people it's sometimes very important to find the source of assistance and help. More frequently we are in search of financial support. Many of us turn to various types of organizations in order to obtain this financial assistance. The organizations like UNESCO, UNO,  NATO and other world-famous unions have always helped to the peoples of Africa, Australia and many other countries having remained without means for existance but only with limited opportunities in their lives, sometimes having no educaiton chances, not speaking about clothes and food. Sometimes these are victims of floods, fires or volcanic eruptions.
The help is really important especially in transactions, as to  transfer money to our relatives who live abroad in the other country is the operation which can't be carried out without bank's assistance, or sometimes we need to withdraw the money from the account. If these are large amounts of money, then we might often hear something like: "We're sorry, currently we're short of cash, so you'll need to wait a bit"... What to do in such situations? How to be sure that the promissed will be embodied?
There are several ways out from such situations. First of all, what you need to do is simply to look for the secure services suggested by different banks presented nowadays. Security is reflected in many ways: in money transactions, in credits, and may be, there will be bad credits handling or some other useful and beneficial options for people who have difficult times, as many online car rental companies suggest their helping hand for bad credit histories.
  World Bank is the world famous union, giving various kinds of assistance to their clients. The name of the bank speaks for itself. The World Bank (http://wikipedia.org)can boast of itself in many ways. First of all, it has a lot of affiliations all over the world, even in India, where we know that the financial stability is something India has been striving for ages. Secondly, the World Bank has various approaches and institutions within it. These are the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, then the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank helps the organizations, developing countries with leveraged loans and various types of capital programs.Besides, the strategy for reducing poverty plays a special part in the activity of the World Bank.
You can easily find on the web-site that the World Bank is leading a large range of activities for various layers of the society: business, civil society, governments, investors, job seekers etc. One of the latest news of the World Bank is that deadly floods in Pakistan have affected about 14 million people. The affected area comprises about 132,421 km. The Bank has put its policy into action and has committed about $900 million in support thus helping to the people who met with the disaster. 

To conclude I could add that the World Bank has its key factors and strategies for economic growth. These are build capacity, infrastructure creation, development of financial systems, combating corruption, research, consultancy and training and many others. 

пятница, 27 августа 2010 г.

What's in Bill Me Later?

It's really hard to imagine how many people turn to the financial services. Different types of financial services, starting from currency exchange operations and finishing up with significant bank operations, transactions, savings and deposits operations, money transfer and so on are really popular with people. This list can be actually continued endlessly. Consequently, people turn to  such instances in order to satisfy all the needs, as sometimes without these kind of help we really feel like without hands (just like without a cell phone left on mistake at home, right?). It's really difficult to imagine how the money operations would have been carried out without the banks help and assistance.
Similarly, as it was said before, the services of the banks are also differ upon many factors. Some companies are engaged in only money transfers (or not only, but mainly, for example, MoneyGram), some of the banks specialize in customer advice services etc. And sometimes, if we need a secure and good service from the bank, we can actually face a lot of problems, as you know that there are many frauds and scams directly influencing you if you share the information about your credit cards.
Bill Me Later, The Shopping Express Lane, and its services in particular, are a bit different from those options presented by the majority of such web-sites. So, how this difference is realized? First of all, let's consider the history of the company itself. Bill Me Later is the company formerly owned by I4Commerce which, in August, 2007, changed its name for Bill Me Later (http://bill-me-later.pissedconsumer.com/). Bill Me Later was founded in 2000 and then acquired by eBay Inc. in 2008. Bill Me Later is a company co-operating with Jewelry Television, JetBlue Airwaves, USPS, Wal-Mart etc.The company offers credits via CIT Bank and one of the specialities of it are purchases which are made online without using a credit card. In 2008 the company  was popular for a great aquisition and replenishment with PayPal, a subsidiary of eBay. The services of Bill Me Later are the following: the client, by submission of four last digits of the social security number and the date of birth has a chance to pay the bill later which can be e-mailed either submitted online. Besides, by co-operation via USPS the customers have a chance for leading their Bill Me Later Business. What does it stand for? Bill Me Later Business is the service granted to the customers who are actually business owners and enterpreneurs and who want to get hold of the use of their equivalent for the corporate card in order to buy the products online.
When using Bill Me Later, the person has a chance not to divulge its private credit card number and to buy in more than 1000 stores online (inlcuding ordering with usage of phone). With Bill Me Later you can also get some discounts on the production like FTD.com - 20% off, Dunham's sports - 15% off, Sports Authority - 15% off etc.
Recently Paypal, the eBay parent, alongside with its possession of Bill Me Later, have announced the results for their revenues: it was about $809,3 $ million for the quarter, with annual increase of 26%. Net chargeoffs of Bill Me Later composed 9,49%. 
Money transfer is a really sensitive issue,especially when it's made online. Consumers have to cope with numerous frauds when choosing the particular company. Similarly, Bill Me Later has a line of cases with lawsuits. One of such lawsuits took place in California. Kyle Soyer, one of the customers, sued for Bill Me Later company for using a mediator to evade from the law credit penalties prohibition.

четверг, 26 августа 2010 г.

Banking in Switzerland

Bank is of crucial part in functioning of the society. Banking systems were created to help the society to set the new standards of life and contribute to prospering. The contemporary bank systems have faced a lot of problems and challenges, and, unfortunately, not all banks can cope with them. Stronger banks appear in the countries with more or less stable financial, economic, political systems. When the society has problems in the level of life it means that, first of all, economic and political systems are somehow undermined, and the government should switch into the process in order to adopt the new alterations and to change the life of population for the better. What I’m drawing at is that people should definitely look for more secure services from the banks and if sometimes we feel like we don's deserve to be treated well, this thought will might turn into our reality. So, approaching closer,definitely, there’s a reason why people store their funds and capitals within the Swiss banks, right? Especially, Russians? ))
So, this article will highlight advantages and disadvantages of banking system in Switzerland (http://wikipedia.org)(however, what disadvantages there can be if it turns out to be one of the best systems all over the world?).
As you know, in all the countries banking systems are regulated by a certain organ, in one country, for example, in the USA – it’s Federal reserve, or FED, all Swiss banks are regulated by Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). Swiss banking system turns out to be really old and can be traced back to the Middle Ages where the first bank secrecy appeared and was thus codified by the law in 1934. Switzerland appears to be the most prosperous country in which the gross domestic products are higher than in the other European countries. The truth about Swiss banks is rather different from that one which we used to see in Hollywood movies. The point is that Swiss banks welcome the flows of capitals from abroad especially from Western countries, but it doesn’t mean that all these accounts are only for rich, crooks or dishonest government officials. An average person can enjoy one’s rights for privacy within the Swiss bank and thus to apply for creating an account. What you need to do is simply to have at least 15,000 $ on your investment account). The most popular Swiss banks within Switzerland are The Swiss Credit Bank in Zurich, The Union Bank in Switzerland, The Bank Leu (AG) in Zurich, The Swiss Bank Corporation in Basel and The Swiss Volksbank in Berne. So, what is the feature distinguishing  Swiss banks from any others, for instance, from the US banks? The thing is that when making deposits or just creating an account, Swiss banks are not allowed to reveal the information to nobody from your relatives, to any account to anyone, even to the Swiss government. The services of the Swiss banks are just like elsewhere: checking accounts, savings accounts, custodial accounts and so on. You can withdraw your money in any currency you want to: francs, dollars, euro, whatever you like. You can apply for the account in any form you want. If you worry about the power of attorney, you can visit the bank and to open it in private, however, the online system is also flexible and somehow secure, however the certain procedures are to be kept in mind in order not to become the victim of swindle within the Internet.

Discover Fifth Third Bank services

People are always in search of the best qualitative treatment in all the places we're going to, especially when it comes to banks. The bank is really a magnificent and intelligent structure the humanity invented alognside with the first computer, TV etc. The bank is a very important and useful structure as the functions of it cover the diversity of spheres like business, management, as well as since the appearance of first capitals and money,it plays a great part in the economy of the nation, creates the policies for improvement of the financial situations in any of the countries, develops the conditions for money to come into the turnover, with the help of its policies regulates the problems of price formation, unemployment and inflation.
When a person turns to the bank, one hopes to be treated in a proper way. That is, to receive the best customer services, to make head or tail of the financial situation etc. If you have a bad credit history and once you’re in urgent need of a loan to buy something important for you family, where do you go to and what company or instance do you turn to? To relatives to lend some money, or to your nearest friend? All these methods are good and welcome, but today we have a good alternative to these methods which is crediting. When taking a credit, first thing you do is just searching for the infro in the Internet and digging up the chunks of information on the bank services, percentage they take etc. Some people are getting hooked into such claims like “cash for gold services”, “bad credit car loans” etc., but may a person trust to such claims? Sometimes yes, but sometimes –no, you should search for a reliable partner in such deals.
Fifth Third Bank appeared in Ohio state, in Cincinnati in 1858. That is, it’s one of the oldest banks in the history of banks. Fifth Third Bank ( http://fifth-third-bank.pissedconsumer.com/)began taking the leading positions and nowadays we can see a bank with 18 affiliates all over the US, with banking history in $111 billion in assets. Fifth Third Bank acquired its name due to the merge of two banks – Fifth National Bank and Third National Bank in the 1st of June, 1908. The idea of naming the bank “Third Fifth” was declined as it might have been referred to three “fifth” of alcohol.
Fifth Third Bank keeps on growing as a financial organization suggesting its own rates excelling beyond the national average. Fifth Third Bank, beyond all expectations, is announced to have embodied the 70 % of its plans on HAMP (Home Affordable Modifications Program) into reality. The executive vice-president of Consumer Lending, Steve Alonso maintained that Fifth Third Bank strives to do everything for their customers in order to keep them at home.
Third Fifth Bank gives you the opportunity to check the accounts, savings accounts, Internet & Mobile Banking, account management services, gives the chance of borrowing for the students, financing of vehicles and to many other services within its web-site. Besides, the bank keeps on using its own program "You have options" for bank-owned mortgages.

среда, 25 августа 2010 г.

Something About Banks

Transactions and various types of financial operations have become one of the crucial moments in our lives. With appearance of the bank all the financial operations have become more arranged and facilitated. Consequently, there are various types of the banks depending upon their functions, prices, services they offer and of course the number of customers (the bank functions with loans and deposits as well as credits, agency functions, financial assistance, basing upon cash credits in which you can receive and withdraw the money from the bank account up to a certain limit; overdraft which allows you to withdraw from the bank more than under the certain credit limit, discounting of bills which means that you can receive a discount if you settle your credit dues before the deadline date; besides banks suggest saving deposits, current deposits or demand deposits which can be withdrawn at any time by cheques). As it was mentioned before banks differ upon the functions carried out. These can be credit unions (institution owned by members or customers), online banks (online banks have wider spectrum of activities starting from online customer consultation services and ending up with money deposits and withdrawal and many others), central banks (central banks specialize upon managing of banking activities - within the USA it’s FED, or Federal Reserve. The banking activities may include the following: conduction of money policies, supervision and regulations of financial companies, financial services provision etc.), retail bank services (the functions are checking and savings accounts, CDs, safe deposit boxes etc.), commercial banks (they lend money for real and capital purchases, letters of credit, lockbox services etc.). 
As the UK takes the second place in the list of top world banks with its Royal Bank of Scotland after  BNP Paribas, France (and it's not the only British bank in the list, there are also Barclays, on the forth place, and Lloyds Banking group plc.on the seventh place), it's rather clear that Britain plays a great part in regulation of world financial activities.
Speaking about British banks.In the UK, according to money supermarket.com, in the 2010/2011 years in particular, 2,6 million of British savers can be dropped out of a collective £362 million. The financial prognoses emphasise that over 50% of savers would keep their £5,100 cash ISA allowance. The head of Banking and Credit Cards at moneysupermarket.com, Kevin Mountfourd (http://uk.linkedin.com/) claimed that because of financial and economical instability the savings of depositors may also be impacted. Nevertheless, Kevin Mountfourd advises to utilize tax free allowance for the returns to be maximized.
To conclude, I should point out that the main thing you need to do when making deposits is to find as much information as possible about the bank you’re going to trust your money to and funds to. Internet is a great source of information where you can find what you need however, it should be definitely taken critically, as there are some sources which you can trust and upon which you in no way should rely. Similarly, there are a lot of scammers which would swindle with your privacy and private information about credit cards etc. So, keep your eyes open when relying upon a certain source.

понедельник, 23 августа 2010 г.

Western Union and MoneyGram - pros and cons

In our world almost everything depends upon money. Sometimes it’s even too much, as we start to think that money can do everything, though we know that it's not truth (in some cases- yes, but you know such cases when money is powerless). However when it comes to travelling and buying new clothes in order to improve our lives – money is just right there to help us.
Money gave a birth to a new industry known as marketing that is everything connected with marketing transactions. But, think, what these markets can’t function without? What is the most important part of any transaction? The answer’s obscure. Everybody makes a contract where it’s written what kind of payment would be carried out and consequently what bank participated in this transaction. There are actually a lot of things which depend upon the bank.
From the course of economics you might have learnt that bank can make payment instead of  the buyer on creation conditions and the supplier can’t receive his money unless the bank confirms that everything is ok with payment and with the goods being sold.
So, now you’ve made sure that substantial transactions can’t do without financial service of the banks. There are various kinds of banks depending exactly upon the services they produce. Some of the banks are more popular in the world some of them start gaining popularity. This article would deal with such banks like Western Union and MoneyGram as these are one of the most known ones with the quality of their services. However, the complaints on them, as the popularity grows, also increase.
Western Union appeared in 1851 but first it began as New York and Western Union Telegraph company. The headquarters of the company is situated in Englewood, Colorado. Western Union obtained its reputation for exchanging telegrams, money orders etc. Western Union has a large network of affiliates around the world.
Now what services does Western Union produce? If to look at the web-site Western Union (http://western-union.pissedconsumer.com/) provides its customers with such services like tracking (you can track your money sent online), you can also transfer money online as well as you can consult your agent. One of the latest affaires connected with Western Union is that the company will pay 94$ million because of the border-related crimes having taken place in Arizona and having been ignored by Western Union.
MoneyGram is another company familiar with its customers due to mostly money transfers. MoneyGram (http://moneygram.pissedconsumer.com/) is a United-States based company headquartered in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. MoneyGram is comparatively young company however the services of it are really popular (especially, post office transfers, and any kinds of money transfers). MoneyGram, just like any other bank suggests such options like money receipt, withdrawal, as well as you can also get in touch with your advisor on any questions concerning transfers. MoneyGram has been recently extending the contract with the United Kingdom post office (the multi-year contract) due to the popularity of MoneyGram transfers in the post offices of Great Britain.